Hi Everyone!

I’m Mimi Powell, and the header pretty much says it all. I’m a writer of spooky stories, which, hopefully, you will one day learn about in the Books tab of the menus above. For now, that page links to a picture book that I wrote a long time ago called “Gwendolyn the Library Fairy”. It’s not very spooky, but it does have book-stealing goblins. The News tab is far more interesting at the moment because that is where I will be posting about my journey to publication.

I’m also a collection development librarian, which means that I get to buy all of the teen books for my library. It’s almost the best job ever, right after being a writer. So, you may even see book reviews in the News tab on occasion.

Lastly, I am a nerd. I live in Florida with my husband and two cats. One of my cats is named after the mystical artifact in The Never-Ending Story by Michael Ende (but it’s not spelled that way), and the other cat is named after an anime character. When I’m not reading or writing, I like to go on roller coasters or play Final Fantasy with my husband.

You can also find me on Facebook or Twitter or email me at mimi@scarymimi.com.

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